Tuesday, January 31, 2012

post 007

quick batman sketch from Lunch break at work.

How I work a page

So yesterday, I post how I work pages. I thought I show how it all looks like. The only thing I don't have is a scan of the blue line art work.

post 006

some more blue line sketches. this time did the threshold trick in photoshop.

Monday, January 30, 2012

post 005

Some More "Hell On Wheals" The Swede. He is such a cool Character. The nickname alone is bad ass. And only fits that the tallest and scary looking man is really a wimp compared to Mr. Bohannan. He's a man the only picks on the week. The look fits the name.

- Elam Ferguson, Hmm I like this Character at first. A guy just trying to prove that he belongs here. The whole African American dealing with the racism of the old west. But I feel that where his character is going to more of man looking out for him self and thinking he can do it all. i guess he's getting to Cocky for my taste.

I Drew booth of these sketch with a Highlighter maker. Real Rough sketch and did my clean up work in the ink's with pen's. I read an interview in DRaw with R.M. Guerra. he does his sketch's that way sort of. But he works his pages all rough blue line pencils and tightens the finals in his ink's.

I'm trying to learn a new method of doing my work. Cause I would say when I work on a page. I draw that one page 4 times. Once as a thumbnail, then as blue line pencils. Then once that's done I go over my blue pencils with a mechanical lead pencil .007 and rework the drawing and make everything tighter. Then if I have a lot of time left. I scan that page and print it up on another paper in blue. Then I go over in inks its a very time consuming. If i don't have the time I ink over the original page. I've been trying to fond the best method where I feel comfortable doing. I've been told before I like to take the long road home. Cause its less traffic and I feel comfortable driving that way. Most of my methods are that way. but I think if I want to be a better artist I need to be a bit quicker when it comes to working page's.

I want to sate by no means whats above is my new style. There just test i would messing around in a different method of sketching things. post some more tomorrow.

post 004

Cullen Bohannan From “Hell On Wheels” , so I have totally been digging this show. I’m sadden that 1st season over. I dig any Cowboy stuff. I going to be doing a them next few post of some of my favorite characters.

Monday, January 16, 2012

post 003

Here is a Catwoman Sketch, the head's a bit big. I trying to get back into Coloring some my art again. Well this was worked a bit at a time on breaks at work. I finally was able to ink one day on my lunch break and today I was able to color as fast as I could. hope to post more soon.

post 002

Here is some Stuff that I did last week, I been post alot more on Tumbler but I started here and would like to keep my blog as updated as I can.

Friday, January 6, 2012

A sketch From 2011

Here is a drawing from 2011 that I didn’t get a chance to finish up. Maybe I finish it up this weekend. But art is know where near the wonder art JH Williams III he killing it in that book.
I still need to work om my woman, She kind of on the chunky side.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

First Post 2012...post 001

It's a new Year, so lets start this thing of with a bang. here is a sketch I did last night. I messing around with some ideas. I hope to put use to it latter on this year. Also below is a sketch I did last year and never got to scan. I really like it. It was My take on Powerman and Iron fist.